Tuesday, August 3, 2010

VIP Memphis Magazine August 2010: Letter from the Editor

With average temperatures in the upper 90s, its been difficult to enjoy the outdoors in Memphis without serious hydration and the right clothing. And with August here, we will take any help that we can get. Thanks to Breakaway Running and River Workout instructor Stacy Chick, I have been able to stay cool during this season’s Women + Running program in all the right gear. Stacy and I are pictured above.

Also, thanks to several of our local chefs for their favorite gourmet sandwich recipes that will allow us to take our picnics, lunches and special event brown bags to the next level with gourmet to go.

Several dates stand out in my head from last month. I had a chance to catch up with Rhea Crenshaw and view her new Blue Moon Bedding product line. Check out our Spaces + to see the customized design options that Blue Moon Bedding has to fit all your needs. The Redbirds game was a blast thanks to Mona Sappenfield, for allowing me to enjoy the game with some of my favorite girls in the comfort of an airconditioned suite. My friends and I made our own picnic for Robert Randolph and the Family Band and the infamous Al Green at Live at the Garden Series. Also, ArtsMemphis BRAVO kickoff was a chance to preview this year’s arts season.

This month we celebrate back to school, Elvis Week (7-14th) and personally, my birthday. Also, I am a board member of Volunteer MidSouth, which will be hosting its annual fundraiser - Summer in the City Fiesta. We’d love to hear from you about any local organizations or events that you support. Reach out and also learn other VIP Memphis staff picks for organizations and upcoming events online at Facebook.com and Twitter.com!

Stay cool,
